Focus is on providing diabetes education to adults with Diabetes in collaboration with the patients’ primary care physician. Our approach incorporates family and friends into our diabetes education programs. We provide diabetes education and prevention strategies for groups at risk of diabetes.
The Diabetes Prevention Program research study was funded by the national Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease. It was conducted at 25 major medical centers throughout the country. The study showed modest weight loss through lifestyle modification and improvement could prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes by 58% in people who are pre-diabetics ( Pre-diabetes (blood sugar levels are higher than normal, but not high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes) becoming more common in the US, with an estimate of 57 million of people living in the country (2007).At the Friedman Diabetes Institute, we offer an 8-week lifestyle change program for preventing type 2 diabetes. It is based on the National Diabetes Prevention Program Curriculum and presented by the lifestyle coaches – dietitians, exercise instructor, who help people with pre-diabetes achieve and maintain their goal weight. Participants meet once a week in a group setting at the Friedman Diabetes Institute.
The program will offer resources for people with diabetes interested in insulin pump therapy. We will provide instructions for patients with diabetes currently on insulin pump, and/or those in need of initiation of the insulin pump delivery systems. General information about pump therapy, including carbohydrate counting, basic concepts, insulin/carbohydrate ratio, basal/bolus regimens, sensitivity/ correction factor, diabetic ketoacidosis, and glucagon emergency kits will be provided.
Goal setting, distance training, and participation in this program for people with diabetes combines motivational coaching with physical training. The program was designed in collaboration with the Achilles Track Club. There are also two physical fitness classes every week at 1pm on Mondays and 5:30 pm on Wednesdays. Participants train for a predetermined walk/run, from walking a mile to running a marathon.
The Latino outreach program specifically targets the Latino community within NYC in an effort to understand their unique needs and to provide educational opportunities for them to lead healthier lives while living with diabetes. A variety of diabetes educational programs will be offered in Spanish in the various Spanish speaking communities in New York City.
Focus is on providing diabetes education to pediatric patients and their families in collaboration with the patients’ primary care physician.
Our research program consists of a variety of research on diabetes. These research projects range from molecular biology and basic science, to clinical trials and studies of the effectiveness of various educational approaches.
The goal of this program is to develop a diabetes education curriculum for the deaf. The program will consist of Diabetes Self-Management Education Program (DSME) designed for the deaf by Certified Diabetes Educators (CDE) and sign language interpreters.
The Friedman Diabetes Institute is committed to addressing the educational needs of diabetes patients throughout the five boroughs. Certified Diabetes Educators (Registered nurses and a Registered Dietitian) will work in collaboration with the NYC Department of Health. They will also serve as a resource for other health care providers while helping to improve clinical outcomes in outpatients and inpatients with Diabetes.
We help pregnant women with diabetes and their families adjust to unique issues that they commonly face.
Disseminate knowledge about Diabetes Management by writing the articles and organizing support groups and
workshops in collaboration with JDRF.